Traveling Hwy 27 South:
● Take Hwy 27 South to Perry, FL pass through one caution light
● Approximately 1.5 miles from caution light there will be a BP gas station on your right
● Continue on Hwy 27 South for .3 mile, turn right onto Woods Creeks Road
● Potter’s House Ministries sits to your right on the corner of Hwy 19/27 North and Woods Creeks Road
Traveling I-10 West:
● Take I-10 West, Take Exit 241 (Perry, Greenville, Hwy 221)
● Veer to left then keep straight until you reach a stop sign
● Turn right at stop sign continue straight until you reach a caution light
● Turn left at caution light onto State Road 221(Shady Grove, FL), which turns, into Jefferson Street
● Continue on Jefferson St. until you reach 1st red light then make a right on to Ash Street
● Continue on Ash street, until you approach a stop sign, make a left on Highway 19 North (which is also referred to as Byron Butler Parkway)
● Potter’s House Ministries sits to your right on the corner of Highway 19/27 North and Woods Creeks Road